Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Marketing research Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marketing research - Assignment Example ... This corporate combination has become popular because it enhances competition, limiting of trade barriers and free flow of resources across countries. Acquisition or takeover even enhances the globalization of business also. Takeover or acquisition is a strategic decision taken by the think tanks of the company, for optimizing the growth of the company, enhancing its production and marketing operations. When the acquisition is forced or unwilling in the sense of the term, then it is called take over. Acquisition: Acquisition means taking control of the target firm by another firm. This corporate action is now a part of company strategy. The control is accessed by buying the most of ownership stakes of the targeted company. Acquisition is also called takeover, which is a â€Å"process through which one company takes over the controlling interest of another company. Acquisition includes obtaining supplies or services by contract or purchase order with appropriated or non-appropriated funds, for the use of federal agencies through purchase or lease† (Venture Capital Glossary: Definition of Acquisition 2001). Friendly Acquisition: In some cases, the board of directors approves a buyout offer from an acquiring firm. The stakeholders of the company may vote,  to pass the decision  as well.  The most important matter is whether the buyout will happen at the price offered per share. The acquiring company (The company which offers the buyout) will recommend a premium to the existing market price, but  the amount of this  premium  will be settled on the overall support for the buyout, from the shareholders within the target  company. In friendly acquisition, the managers of both companies hold a meeting in order to take decisions. â€Å"The acquisition of

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