Friday, October 25, 2019

We Are Not A One Language Nation Essays -- Argumentative Essay

We Are Not A One Language Nation My mother always told me, â€Å"Before judging someone, walk a mile in their shoes.† That piece of advice has been ingrained into me since I was a child. However, I never really understood its importance until the summer of 2013 when I went on a missionary trip to Mexico. I had never been to another country, so I was unsure how to act, dress, or blend in with society. When I arrived in Mexico, the buildings, city, and people all looked much different than back home in small town Iowa. A new perspective came over me when I looked at the road signs and had no idea what they said. I could credit my partial understanding only to my three years of high school Spanish but, beyond that, I was lost and left to fend for myself. This was the first time in my life, I understood what it felt like to be different than the majority, and I felt self-conscious of my every move. That week I spent in Mexico will forever remain in my memory. It was the only time in my life that I can slig htly comprehend how difficult it must be to live in a land of strangers. I was fortunate enough to be put in that uncomfortable situation and walk away a stronger person. Since I returned I’ve seen how unfair it is for people to assume that immigrants should immediately assimilate into our culture without even thinking about how difficult it actually is, or what their life is really like. My trip to Mexico lasted for only one week, and then I went home to my friends, family, and everything I grew up with. Immigrants to the United States don’t have this luxury, and are faced with difficult situations every day. My biggest decision every day is what to wear, or if I should tape my soap opera. However, people who don’t s... america.html The national center for ESL literacy education. (2003, September 17). Retrieved November 10, 2013, from Ng, V. (2002, November 25). Why is America a multicultural but monolingual society? Retrieved November 10, 2013, from bin/print?param=features_2002_11_25_01. Okamoto, L. (2001, March 30). 100 rally to protest official-English bill. Retrieved November 3, 2013, from /c4780934/14240519.html Public policy and the far right. Retrieved November 9, 2003 from /public_policy_far_right.html Smith, H. (1997, October 6). â€Å"English only† proposal does more harm. Retrieved November 3, 2013, from ofminorites/english-only.html.

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