Thursday, December 26, 2019

Have to and Must - ESL Grammar Lesson Plans

Many students often confuse the usage of the modals must and have to. While meaning is generally maintained in incorrect usage in the positive forms, a mix-up in the negative forms can cause confusion. This lesson uses daily routines and an interviewing game to help students master these important modal forms. Aim: Learn the modal forms have to and must Activity: Grammar introduction/review, talking about daily routines and interview game Level: Lower levels Outline: Ask students to talk about their daily routines. Have them make a list of five things that they have to do every day.Introduce the grammar by having the students take a look at the grammar sheet below.Discuss the differences between have to and must in the positive form. Make sure to point out that have to is used for daily routines while must is used for strong personal obligation.Discuss the differences between dont have to and mustnt. Make sure to stress the idea that dont have to expresses the idea that the person isnt required to do something but may do so if he/she would like while mustnt expresses the idea of prohibition.In order to encourage students to favor the use of have to, spend the rest of the lesson focusing on daily responsibilities in the following exercises.Ask students to take out the list they created earlier and re-write the list using have to.Ask students to choose a job from the list provided (you might want to first check that students are familiar with the j obs listed) and think about what a person working in that profession has to do.Once you have given students a chance to think a while, play a variation on the 20 questions game. You can begin by choosing a profession and having students ask you 10 or 15 questions about what you have to do in this job. Questions can only be answered by yes, no or sometimes.The student who guesses the name of your profession should be the next to be asked the 15 questions. Another variation on this game is for students to play the game in pairs. Have to - Must Study the Use of Have to and Must in the Chart Below Must/Have To - Mustnt/Not Have To Listed below are examples and uses of must/have to/mustnt/not have to Example Chart Examples Usage We have to get up early.She had to work hard yesterday.They will have to arrive early.Does he have to go? Use 'have to' in the past, present, and future to express responsibility or necessity. NOTE: 'have to' is conjugated as a regular verb and therefore requires an auxiliary verb in the question form or negative. I must finish this work before I leave.Must you work so hard? Use 'must' to express something that you or a person feels is necessary. This form is used only in the present and future. You don't have to arrive before 8.They didn't have to work so hard. The negative form of 'have to' expresses the idea that something is not required. It is, however, possible if so desired. She mustn't use such horrible language.Tom. You mustn't play with fire. The negative form of 'must' expresses the idea that something is prohibited - this form is very different in meaning than the negative of 'have to'! Did the have to leave so early?He had to stay overnight in Dallas. IMPORTANT: The past form of 'have to' and 'must' is 'had to'. 'Must ' does not exist in the past. Choose a profession from the list below and think about what a person doing that job has to do every day. Professions and Jobs - What do they have to do? accountant actor air steward architect assistant author baker builder businessman / businesswoman / executive butcher chef civil servant clerk computer operator / programmer cook dentist doctor driver bus / taxi / train driver garbageman (refuse collector) electrician engineer farmer hairdresser journalist judge lawyer manager musician nurse photographer pilot plumber police officer politician receptionist sailor salesman / saleswoman /salesperson scientist secretary soldier teacher telephone operator Back to lessons resource page

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Plague or The Black Death Essay example - 1224 Words

The Plague, also known as The Black Death, was first recognized in the sixth century during the Byzantine Empire. It later arose during the Late Middle Ages and then again in small amounts in places like Seville and London in the mid-1600s. The plague is carried by fleas which attach to rodents. From a bite of a flea-bitten rodent, a human would now be infected with the disease. Even after all of these years of knowing what the Plague does, we do not have a definite cure. We only have ways to lessen the symptoms by the use of antibiotics and quarantine. The mortality rate is extremely high, about 80%. There are many different variations about the plague’s origins, symptoms, and precautions. I question whether it was the plague that indeed†¦show more content†¦Thucydides also noted that â€Å"Those who recovered were congratulated by the others, and in their immediate elation cherished the vain hope that for the future they would be immune to death from any other dis ease.† They believed since they conquered such a rough and deadly disease, they assumed they could fight off anything. Unlike Thucydides claim on plague symptoms, Procopius says â€Å"For there ensued with some a deep coma, with others a violent delirium, and in either case they suffered the characteristic symptoms of the disease. For those who were under the spell of the coma forgot all those who were familiar to them.† It seems that these two diseases may have been different. Thucydides account of what the plague does to you doesn’t mention comas or any sort of dementia. The coma and dementia may have simply been effects of the fever, but Thucydides does not mention. The plague didn’t only affect people directly by sickness. Around the world, word of the plague spread from culture to culture. The children’s poem Ring Around the Rosie, is said to be about the plague. It is thought to have originated in England during the plague of London. The li ne â€Å"Ring around the Rosie† is about the swelling on the infected people’s skin. The Rosie is supposed to have been the reddish color surrounding the swelling, or the rash. The second line â€Å"pocket full o’ posies†, correlates with the flowers which were often held to ward off the plague’s smell.Show MoreRelatedDeath by the Black Plague1017 Words   |  4 Pages The plague was the most devastating pandemic in human history, killing around 80-200 million people mostly throughout Europe, leaving most people back then wondering how they and others got sick and died. â€Å"Evidence available from rural continental Europe suggests a slow spread of human mortality across trade and travel routes, patterns consistent† (Carmichael 3), until after multiple inventions such as printing, word spread of this murderer, preventing more deaths and to treat those affected. ThisRead MoreBlack Death : The Black Plague1048 Words   |  5 Pagesbody: w ithout employment, is a disease- the rest of the soul is a Plague, a hell itself† (Smiles, Samuel). The Black Death, also known as the Bubonic Plague, came to existence in the Fourteenth Century. It was transferred from Asia in the late 1340s and caused a mass eruption in Europe. It was a very dark time period of history, which changed the way people viewed religion, fellow citizens, and life. In the 1300s, the century of the Plague, there were many poor conditions. One example was the home itselfRead MoreThe Black Death Plague795 Words   |  3 PagesThe Black Death is one of the worst disease in ancient history. It was an epidemic that killed millions of people between 1349-1351.Many people suffered from lack of care and lack of remedy, also it became difficult to find a medical person to diagnose such a horrible disease. Boccaccio, Tura and Venette describe the physical and social effect of Europe when the Plague had begun. In this selection, they describe how people respond and changed their behaviors .People were so scared from Plague thereforeRead MoreThe Plague Of The Black Death1798 Words   |  8 Pagesoutbreaks of the Black Death pandemic in the world. In the history the Black Plague is also called as the Black Death or Bubonic Plague. This research paper will mainly cover the European outbreak of the 14th century as it is considered to be the era of the worst time of the Black Death period. Many historians would agree that the events of 1300s led to dramatic changes affecting every European country in all the aspects. Creating economic, social, religious, and medical issues, the Black Death caused renovationRead MoreThe Plague Of The Black Death1484 Words   |  6 Pagestriggered not by humans, but by plagues. Plagues, defined as an epidemic with an amazingly high mortality rate according to the Merriam Webster dictionary, have been recorded throughout history, from the Plague of Justinian in Rome, to the Modern Plague of China (CDC). To the common man, all s/he sees is, the plague arrives, kills tens of millions of people, and then disappears into the night. In reality, the plague does not disappear quietly. The outbreak of a plague leaves a lasting legacyRead MoreBlack Death : The Black Plague768 Words   |  4 PagesThe Black Plague is known as the most fatal disease in the worlds history! The disease killed nearly one-third of Europe’s population in the fourteenth century. The Black Plague is also known as the Black Death and was transmitted to humans by rodents such as rats and spread due to extremely unsanitary living conditions. European cities such as Paris and London were most devastatingly affected by the Black Plague The Black Plague is transmitted from fleas to rodents such as rats or mice to humansRead MoreThe Black Death Of The Plague1638 Words   |  7 Pageshave crawled across the globe was called the Black Death. The first known case of The Plague was reported in China in 224 B.C. although this is not the period in time when it would become its most dangerous. It is believed that because China was such an important trade center at the time, diseased animals and their infected fleas were unknowingly transported along with goods via The Silk Road to Western Europe and Asia. Centuries later, the Black Plague would rear its head and swallow nearly halfRead MoreThe Plague Of The Black Death1797 Words   |  8 Pagesthe Black Death, the plague is one of the most disastrous events in Europe’s natural history. England underwent serious modifications concerning it politically, socially, and economically as a result of the contagion. The Black Death, a plague that devastated Medieval Engla nd from 1347 to 1351, tremendously modified the Middle Ages; the pandemic contains a complex history that drastically altered England’s economy and people’s religious views. To start off, the first wave of the Black Death beganRead MoreBlack Death And The Black Plague1234 Words   |  5 PagesThe Black Death, also known as the Black Plague, was one of the most deadliest diseases of all time. This disease came to Europe around 1347 C.E, by merchants from East Asia. The Black Plague then spread all across Europe, and killed over 25,000,000 people. The Black Death had its effect on many things. The peasant and noble differentiation was realized to be bogus, the belief in religious authorities came under question, and poor people actually benefited from the Black Death. After the epidemicRead MoreThe Plague Of The Black Death1035 Words   |  5 Pagesbegin with the most iconic epidemic, The Black Death. It will then discuss some of similar epidemics that have followed after and different treatments. This paper will show the progression of medicine and health around the world and the advancements in technology that have increased the lives of many individu als. The Black Death: The Black Death also known as the bubonic plague is considered a turning point in the development of medicine and science. This plague first occurred in China during the early

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Dr. Durand Philosophy By Reginald Moore Essay Example For Students

Dr. Durand Philosophy By Reginald Moore Essay Reflective Essay Prepared for Dr. DurandPhilosophy ByReginald Moore 213-94-2165Reflective EssayWhat makes up a good family? Does your family communicate well? These are the questions that many people in America ask. They battle with these questions everyday when they think about the way their family acts. I have also battle with these questions especially when it comes to my family. My family is one of uniqueness, which causes lots of conflicts. I battle an individualistic sister, a communitarian mother, and a civic republican brother. With all these different personalities in the house it is no wonder it seems like our house is a lifestyle enclave. Looking at my family is like looking at American homes today. It shows the effect of a society that is all about on the go activities. My sister would be in my own words a perfect example of an individualistic person. She like in the book Habits of the Heart only deals with issues that are important to her. My sister focuses on what can make her life better and if this involves some kind of communitarian activity only then will she participate. She mostly jumps from relationship to relationship because of her need for pleasure. It matters not to my sister what is going on with the world unless it affects her personally. A good example of this is when my sister and I volunteered at a local shelter for Thanksgiving. This is a ritual that I have keep since my grandfather past away. My sister went to the shelter this year in order to get some volunteer hours for her transcript because she wants to transfer to another college. At the shelter she saw first hand for the first time in her life people less fortunate then herself. This shook her up, and made her think about how lucky she is only then was my sister finally con cerned about the homeless problem in America. Even though, this sound likes a made for television movie they show each year, around the holidays it is true and shows how like my sister the individualistic community of America that we live in. In this way she is a perfect example of individualism in America. Moreover, my mother is on the other end of the spectrum. My mother in her own words Gives a piece of herself to everyone. She is a very good example of a communitarian. The first sample of her kindness starts with her occupation. My mother has been a junior high school teacher for 25 years. During this time many people have realized my mothers giving and kindness for her community. She is always willing to go above and beyond the call of duty to help make a difference in a students life. However, her occupation is just the start of her giving. She is also a community leader through her second career as a pastor. She has only been a preacher for 6 years however; she has been able to do a lot for her church and her community during this time. She is always bringing her work home. Like a good communitarian she does everything to help better the community. My mother has only three children but has thousands of adopted children. She loves all her children the same even the adopted ones. A good example of this is what occurred during my last trip home. I came home because of the illness of my grandmother. My mother has to sit up with my grandmother just in case she gets up and hurts herself in the middle of the night. This is a very trying time for my mother however she took a piece of her time to counsel one of her adopted daughters. This girl was on the verge of committing suicide. My mother helped her realize how important she is to the world. My mother gives of her time to help the better of the community without personal gain. This helps show she is a good example of a communitarian. However, my brother is different from all of us. He is what I call the good American boy. He also is a product of social groups the government made to help kids become aware of what the government is and how it runs. My brother is only 14 but tries to get involved in every political group he can get involved in. He believes without the government in our society our nation would not be as prosperous as we are. It is surprising at a young age how much involved he is in the thought of politics and government in America. He is a good example of a civic republican. More important, the mix of a civic republican individualistic person, and a communitarian is hard to understand. A lot of times the house feels like a place that these different personalities just stay under due to the fact they are related not unlike a lifestyle enclave. We share the similar lifestyle of being a family but dont associate with each other unless a family problem comes up. This shows how my family is a good example of a lifestyle enclave. However, my family seems to stay together and s urvive just like America will survive its individualistic stage of its history, and finally remember caring about community makes us stronger. Reflective Essay Reflective EssayWhat makes up a good family? Does your family communicate well? These are the questions that many people in America ask. They battle with these questions everyday when they think about the way their family acts. I have also battle with these questions especially when it comes to my family. My family is one of uniqueness, which causes lots of conflicts. I battle an individualistic sister, a communitarian mother, and a civic republican brother. With all these different personalities in the house it is no wonder it seems like our house is a lifestyle enclave. Looking at my family is like looking at American homes today. It shows the effect of a society that is all about on the go activities. .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c , .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c .postImageUrl , .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c , .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c:hover , .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c:visited , .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c:active { border:0!important; } .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c:active , .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Diversity Essay Sample Graduate SchoolMy sister would be in my own words a perfect example of an individualistic person. She like in the book Habits of the Heart only deals with issues that are important to her. My sister focuses on what can make her life better and if this involves some kind of communitarian activity only then will she participate. She mostly jumps from relationship to relationship because of her need for pleasure. It matters not to my sister what is going on with the world unless it affects her personally. A good example of this is when my sister and I volunteered at a local shelter for Thanksgiving. This is a ritual that I have keep since my grandfather past away. My sister went to the shelter this year in order to get some volunteer hours for her transcript because she wants to transfer to another college. At the shelter she saw first hand for the first time in her life people less fortunate then herself. This shook her up, and made her think about how lucky she is only then was my sister finally concerned about the homeless problem in America. Even though, this sound likes a made for television movie they show each year, around the holidays it is true and shows how like my sister the individualistic community of America that we live in. In this way she is a perfect example of individualism in America. Philosophy Essays

Monday, December 2, 2019

Their benefits aside, human diets are polluting the environment and sending animals to extinction.

Introduction The fact that the environment and the entire ecosystem have been left unstable in the recent times is in no doubt. However what has continued to evoke many debates is whether humans have had a hand in this unfortunate situation, and if so, by what extent. Though many feel that humans have had a thing to do in this and could do much better in sustaining the environment, some feel that this is a natural occurrence and nature should be left to take its course.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Their benefits aside, human diets are polluting the environment and sending animals to extinction. specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This paper explores how man has affected the ecosystem, and specifically so through his diet, and what could be done to put the situation back on track. It is essential that human beings balance their diet. A normal human being is required to take 1,200 calories through the three major meals he/she has in a day .However, in trying to achieve this environment has been left compromised through the following ways. Excessive harvest of animals in search of various meats is leading to their extinction. Animals are the chief source of proteins and fats which human beings are in need of. Fats are very important in body heat regulation. On the other hand, proteins make the body tissues and up to 15-20% of the calories taken should be made up of proteins. Although this is the case, the animal community is being pushed to the extreme in trying to feed the ever growing population. This has been done through directly hunting down animals and robbing them of their habitats as people clear forests and bushes to create farms. Researchers have shown that some animal and fish species risk being swept off the face of the earth if strict measures are not put into place. This is largely due to their nutritional value. Tuna and sharks are some of the fish species that are facing extin ction due to the nutritional richness their soup contain. However, human exploitation has been so extensive that some species may never be recovered fully and if it does, could take ages. Allendorf and Hard (2012) observe that: Evolution brought about by human harvest might greatly increase the time required for over-harvested populations to recover once harvest is curtailed because harvesting often creates selection differentials, whereas curtailing harvest will often result in less intense selection in the opposing direction. (p. 1) The need for preventive measures being preferred to reinstating measures is therefore important. Looking for alternative protein sources like legumes and exercising controlled and selective animal and fish harvesting should be embraced. Should we fail to do this, we may wake up one day to find nothing to harvest at all.Advertising Looking for essay on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Lea rn More Use of excessive fertilizers and pesticides in order to boost production is leading to environmental pollution and ecosystem instability. In order to meet food requirements for humans, different mechanisms have been put in place to increase productivity. Among these mechanisms, use of intensive fertilizers has been majored. This is particularly so because the more the population, the more mouths that require feeding. This is made worse by the fact that cultivation land continues to be limited. On top of the production advantages, Food and Agricultural Organization of The United Nations (1972) has observed that: The intensive use of fertilizer can benefit the environment indirectly in that, by increasing considerably the yields of foodstuffs per hectare, it allows withdrawing from cultivation land of low quality, such as steep land, land with shallow soils and land very susceptible to erosion. (p. 2) However these fertilizers have been employed in excess leading to environm ental degradation .For starters, excess nitrates in the soil from fertilizers have been carried into rivers and lakes killing lots of organisms in water .Use of pesticides in farms has also interfered with pollination and caused a lot of poisoning in the air killing lots of birds and insects in the air. â€Å"A number of medical specialists have also expressed concern about the undesirable effects of high nitrate intake on human flesh† (Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations, 1972, p. 7) .It is therefore justifiable to say that although fertilizers and pesticides have been in handy in helping to boost human diet, they have also been poisonous and endangered the lives of many animals, fish, birds and even humans themselves. Food waste also plays a major part in polluting the environment. Most developed countries especially in the west are facing problems dealing with waste that result from food or the entire food that is not eaten but dumped in landfills. â€Å"O nce this food gets to the landfill, it then generates methane, a greenhouse gas 23 times as potent as carbon dioxide in trapping heat within our atmosphere† (Schiller, Cambridge M.A, 2010, p.1).Therefore this means that as humans try to satisfy themselves diet wise, they are polluting the environment in the process by not exhausting what they have in their plates.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Their benefits aside, human diets are polluting the environment and sending animals to extinction. specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Venkat (2012) notes that â€Å"the climate change impact of food as quantified by life-cycle GHG emissions is a more complete measure of environmental impact than embedded energy or barrels of oil.†(p.432).It should also be noted that most food thrown out as garbage has already been cooked and the cooking oil used is filtered into the soil rendering it infertile and unproductiv e. On top of these, emissions evoked by vehicles during the transportation of food waste to landfills also pollute the air. Proper measures should be put into place therefore to reduce the amount of food thrown as garbage. People should therefore make use of freezers to keep food fresher for longer instead of dumping it. People should also be encouraged to only shop food quantities that can be easily exhausted instead of buying large quantities only to end them as garbage. If this is not done, the environment will continue being held at the mercy of food waste. In conclusion, human diets are one of the main reasons behind environmental degradation. This is because of the processes involved in achieving them as well as the result of their achievement as noted above by the implications of food wastage. The key lies therefore in efforts to try to sustain population as its rise has had a lot of negative consequences as mechanisms continue to be drawn to make sure humans are fed with the perfect diet worldwide. References Allendorf, W.F., Hard, J.J. (2012) Human induced evolution caused by unnatural selection through harvest of wild animals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of  America.p1-13. Web. Cambridge, MA, Schiller, M. (2010). How food waste affects our environment. Modern Hippie  Magazine, 1-10 Web. Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations. (1972) .Effects of intensive fertilizer use on  human environment. Rome: Author. Venkat, K, (2012). The climate change and economic impacts of food waste in the United States. International Journal on Food System Dynami, 431-446. Retrieved from Looking for essay on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This essay on Their benefits aside, human diets are polluting the environment and sending animals to extinction. was written and submitted by user Archer I. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Tips for Working With Students With Severe Handicaps

Tips for Working With Students With Severe Handicaps Typically, children with severe handicaps have behavior concerns and minimal ability or cannot perform or havent yet learned many of the basic self-help skills. Some sources of research estimate that somewhere between 0.2-0.5% of school-aged children are identified as having a severe handicap. Although this population is low, times have changed and these children are rarely excluded from public education. They are, in fact, a part of special education. After all, with the incredible growing technologies and trained professionals, we can hold higher expectations than previously possible before. Handicaps Usually, children with severe handicaps are born with it, some of the etiologies and causes include: Chromosomal abnormalitiesPostnatal difficultiesGestational (prematurity)Maldevelopment of the brain and or spinal cordInfectionsGenetic disordersInjuries from accidents Problems With Inclusion There are still major issues related to inclusion of students with severe handicaps. Many teachers dont feel they have the professional training required to meet their needs, schools are often not adequately equipped to meet their needs, and more research needs to be done to determine how best their educational needs can be met. However, the reality is that these children have a right to be included in all aspects of society. Teacher Tips for Working with Children with Severe Handicaps Prior to supporting the specific goal, it is important to make sure you have their attention. Typically, youll be using a very direct teaching method.As much as possible, use grade appropriate materials.Identify some clear goals/expectations and stick with it. It takes a great deal of time to see success in most cases.Be consistent and have predictable routines for everything you do.Make sure that everything is relevant to the child you are working with.Be sure to track progress carefully, which will help you define when the child is ready for the next milestone.Remember that these children dont often generalize, so be sure to teach the skill in a variety of settings.When the child has reached the goal, be sure to use the skill regularly to ensure mastery of the skill continues. In summary, you are a very important person in this childs life. Be patient, willing and warm at all times.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Verbing Family Members

Verbing Family Members Verbing Family Members Verbing Family Members By Maeve Maddox The other day when I saw the words to an unfamiliar modern hymn displayed on a screen, I stumbled over the word Father used as a verb. My momentary confusion was not because a noun was being used as a verb, but because the verbed noun was capitalized. Note: Even though the fathering mentioned in the hymn was being done by God the Father, the verb did not require a capital. I started thinking about the verbing of other nouns for family members. One often sees father and mother used as verbs. The earliest OED citation of father in the sense of â€Å"to beget† is dated 1483. The earliest use in the sense of â€Å"to look after like a father† is dated 1577. Shakespeare uses father in both senses in Cymbeline (1611). Belarius, reflecting on the nobility of his foster sons compared to the lack of it in others, says, â€Å"Cowards father Cowards,† Later in the play, when the Roman general Lucius invites Fidele to be his page, he says he will father him rather than master him. Note: The character Fidele is a disguised woman, Imogen. As Lucius believes her to be a boy, I’ve used the masculine pronoun. The earliest OED citation for mother in the sense of â€Å"to give birth† is dated 1548. The earliest citation for mother in the sense of â€Å"to take care of like a mother† is much later: 1863. Unlike father, which can still mean beget, mother is no longer used in the sense â€Å"to give birth to.† Procreating men â€Å"father children,† but women â€Å"have babies.† I’ve often used a line from Shakespeare’s King Richard the Second to illustrate the fact that nouns can be used as verbs: â€Å"Grace me no grace, nor uncle me no uncle† (Act 2, Scene 3). However, the Duke of York is not using uncle to describe a manner of behavior, in the way we use father and mother, but as a term of address. He’s telling his outlawed nephew not to look for favors from him by calling him uncle. York’s use of the word uncle is an example of anthimeria. Anthimeria (aka antimeria): a rhetorical term for the creation of a neologism by using one part of speech (or word class) in place of another. Other terms for anthimeria are â€Å"conversion† and â€Å"functional shifting.† Advertisers do this kind of thing. An annoying example that comes to mind is the Nutella slogan, â€Å"Spread the happy,† in which the adjective happy is used as a noun. I looked in vain for uses of other family relationships that are commonly verbed. A woman can mother someone, but not aunt or grandmother anyone. A man can father someone, but not uncle or grandfather him in the sense of behaving as an uncle or as a grandfather. The noun grandfather can be used as a verb. The verbal use derives from the legal term â€Å"grandfather clause.† A  Ã¢â‚¬Å"grandfather  clause† is a provision in which an old rule continues to apply to some existing situations while a new rule  will  apply to all future cases.  For example, the US Army plans to establish a new tattoo policy that forbids new recruits to have tattoos below their elbows and knees or above their neckline. According to an article in Stars and Stripes Magazine, â€Å"Current soldiers will be grandfathered in as long as the tattoos are not racist, sexist, or extremist.† Although not itself used as a verb, the noun cousin may be the source of the verb cozen. cozen verb: to deceive by artful wheedling or tricky dishonesty. Note: Both cousin and cozen are pronounced the same: /KUH-zin/ Some dictionaries cite an Italian source for cozen, but another possible origin is the French verb cousiner: to cheat on pretext of being a cousin. This possibility brings us back to York’s use of uncle in the scene in which Bolingbroke attempts to use a title of kinship to further his own ends. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 Types of Narrative ConflictHow to Pronounce MobileComma After Introductory Phrases

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Autophagy in cancer( colonic adenoma and adenocarcinoma) Literature review

Autophagy in cancer( colonic adenoma and adenocarcinoma) - Literature review Example From this point, it is evident that the microvasculature of the tumor tissue is actually structurally and functionally deficient and hence is unable to provide blood supply that is prerequisite for appropriate tissue growth. To support this fact, there is evidence that some tumors, like the pancreas cancers are actually hypovascular (Sato et al, 2007). These conditions contribute to hyponutrient state of the tumor. However, for hypoproliferation, excess nutrient supply is mandatory and hence tumor cells are likely to use alternative source of energy and nutrients or some alternative metabolic process for the purpose. One such metabolic process is autophagy. There is evidence that some cancers, like the colon cancer, are resistant to nutrition depletion state and continue to thrive because of this metabolic process (Sato et al, 2007). Autophagy is a catabolic process that is conserved in which the organelles of the cells are self-digested. The first step in autophagy is development of isolation membrane, a lipid bilayer structure. This membrane sequesters various materials of the cytoplasm like the organelles to form autophagosomes. This step involves activation of LC3, a mammalian homologue of yeast ATG8 through an ubiquitination-like reaction that is regulated by ATG3 and 7. During activation, the proform of LC3 is cleaved into LC3-I which is soluble unlike the proform. This is then further modified into LC3-II which is membrane-bound form. This form is finally recruited by the autophagosomes which engulf the organelles (Rosenfeldt and Ryan, 2009). The engulfed organelles further fuse with the lysosomes and then mature into autolysosomes. This step also causes autodigestion and diminision of LC3 and also various other components of autophagosome. Thus autophagy has an important role to play in the provision of nutrition to cells during shortage of external supply of nutrition. Following autodigestion, aminoacids are released from the organelles and they are th e alternative sources of energy to the proliferative and nutrient deficient cells. Though, theoretically, this explanation seems logical with reference to nutrition supply to cancer cells in unfavorable environment, several controversial arguments have arisen in this regard. Some researchers are of the opinion that autophagic machinery may not be activated in cancer tissue contexts (Sato et al, 2007). However, there is enough evidence to point the role of autophagy in the pathogenesis of colon cancers. In this literature review the role of autophagy in the proliferation and thriving of colon cancers will be discussed through suitable literature review. Pathogenesis of colon cancer Cancer of the colon (and rectum) is the third most common cancer in men and women. It has been estimated that 940,000 new cases of colorectal cancer and nearly 500,000 deaths are occur worldwide each year (El- Deiry, 2006). The frequency is same both in men and women. The risk of the disease increases afte r 40 years of age (El- Deiry, 2006). Colon cancer (colorectal cancer) is almost always adenocarcinoma. The most common predisposing condition leading to adenocarcinoma is adenomatous polyps. Alterations in the adenomatous polyposis or APC gene as a result of mutations is the beginning point of development of the cancer. This gene is mutated in individuals affected by familial

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Marketing research Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marketing research - Assignment Example ... This corporate combination has become popular because it enhances competition, limiting of trade barriers and free flow of resources across countries. Acquisition or takeover even enhances the globalization of business also. Takeover or acquisition is a strategic decision taken by the think tanks of the company, for optimizing the growth of the company, enhancing its production and marketing operations. When the acquisition is forced or unwilling in the sense of the term, then it is called take over. Acquisition: Acquisition means taking control of the target firm by another firm. This corporate action is now a part of company strategy. The control is accessed by buying the most of ownership stakes of the targeted company. Acquisition is also called takeover, which is a â€Å"process through which one company takes over the controlling interest of another company. Acquisition includes obtaining supplies or services by contract or purchase order with appropriated or non-appropriated funds, for the use of federal agencies through purchase or lease† (Venture Capital Glossary: Definition of Acquisition 2001). Friendly Acquisition: In some cases, the board of directors approves a buyout offer from an acquiring firm. The stakeholders of the company may vote,  to pass the decision  as well.  The most important matter is whether the buyout will happen at the price offered per share. The acquiring company (The company which offers the buyout) will recommend a premium to the existing market price, but  the amount of this  premium  will be settled on the overall support for the buyout, from the shareholders within the target  company. In friendly acquisition, the managers of both companies hold a meeting in order to take decisions. â€Å"The acquisition of

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Interview Essay about Dance Essay Example for Free

Interview Essay about Dance Essay Joseph is 56 years old, and is the second to youngest of seven children, six of them being girls. Having only sisters, and six of them at that, Joseph found himself surrounded by more dancing than he may have wished for as a young boy. Growing up, the main musical Joseph remembers seeing in theaters was The Sound of Music, starring Julie Andrews that came out in 1965. Paying only a couple of dollars for a ticket, he remembers watching Andrews dance around in the mountains singing the title song, â€Å"The Sound of Music. † This song should ring a bell for it is ranked tenth in the American’s Film Institute’s list of 100 Greatest Songs in Movie History. Having many sisters much older than himself, meant that Joseph’s background in dance was a little before his time. While his generation was more Rock N’ Roll and informal dancing, he was more familiarized with the Jitterbug before he knew how to properly head-bang. One of his favorite memories revolving around dance is when his sisters all got together and taught each other the Jitterbug. The Strand, and other such dances. Innocently watching from the sidelines, his sisters insisted on him joining in. â€Å"My sisters practically raised me since my parents were older and working hard to make a living, so I believe dancing was a way for my sisters to just relax and let go from reality, and they always wanted me to experience that with them.† Growing up, dancing was never a huge aspect of Joseph’s life. He never had proper training, and he never really cared to. In his world, the only time one needed to showcase adequate dance skills was at school dances and family affairs such as weddings. Though, in high school, Joseph was always more focused on perfecting his footwork at the pitcher’s mound than his footwork on the dance floor. He grew up in a smaller more conservative town, where gender roles still hung high in influencing the social norms of their community. Joseph, however, was not completely brain-washed by these ideals, for he grew up as a child in the 60s, where he learned to have love and peace for all, despite what his parents and elders may have believed at the time. In fact, he was part of the stage crew for his high school production one year, which did give him an inside look at the world of the arts. Being from a large Irish-Catholic family, his relatives were always dancing when they all got together. As one of the younger kids and having a somewhat shy demeanor, Joseph always watched how much fun they were having and admired how free and joyous they appeared. Of course, his aunts and uncles had the help of alcohol to make them loose, but it was also the fact that everyone knew the same dances. It was the closes thing to a real-life choreographed scene that one could witness. â€Å"I could not tell what exact dances they were doing, but I just remember there were a lot. Although they are were very similar and seemed to be more like swing dancing than anything else. Over the years, I have learned some of them, but not all. It is a shame that my generation seems to be one of the last to value and perform and real dance style, and not just grinding and twerking like Miley Cyrus.† For Joseph, his dance style did not catch up to the times until he was out of the house and the disco craze began. In 1977, the movie Saturday Night Fever came out, starring John Travolta. This movie was a huge reason why disco became as big as it did in 1978-1980. Though disco had already been an underground phenomenon since 1970. The movie just made it more openly popular amongst white middle-class heterosexuals. â€Å"Now, for me personally, I was never into the music or went to disco clubs and danced like John Travolta. Though, it was hard not to know the main moves, and it was the first time in my life that I really noticed dance being so influential in society.† Not only did disco bring about new fashion and style trends, but also socially it accomplished amazing feats. For the first time, minorities such as Gays, Latinos, and African-Americans were able to be a part of the cultural movement. In fact, in many ways, they were part of it since the very beginning. The first New York City disco clubs were very gay-friendly, and they often became a safe place for gays to relax and enjoy themselves for who they are, free from worries. These clubs included David Manusco’s The Loft, The Gallery, and The Paradise Garage. The Latinos loved the new disco partner dancing, because in their culture two is better than one when it comes to dance. As for African-Americans, the single Soul Makossa by Manu Dibango starting playing in the city clubs in 1973 and that started the next generation of Motown soul. The blending of these three subcultures really allowed for disco to grow and expand, and take on different lives in different light, depending on w ho you were and where you went. As for Joseph and other white baby boomers, their generation was yearning for their own identity and a sense of freedom. Most baby boomers only missed the sixties and its long hair, Woodstock, peace-loving ways by merely a decade. Thus, envious of not being able to partake in such a revolution in society, the youth of the 70s needed their own way of fighting the man – whether that be large scale or simply rebelling against their elders. Disco became the perfect way to unite both the baby boomers and the hippies, due to the air of sophistication that defined disco. Disco was so different from the flower-child era, which was exactly was the baby boomers were looking for; their own identity. Everyone enjoyed this new age because dressing up and going to fancy clubs meant an escape from reality and the ability to go from being a nobody by day, to someone of importance by night. This idea is essentially the plot of Saturday Night Fever, where Travolta has a blue-collar day job, but also happens to be a disco king. Middle-class America was simply enchanted by this movement. It allowed for a sense of equality between both social classes and races, and an overall social movement. Disco became so big that it quickly spread to Europe and parts of Asia. At the time, Disco was futuristic and fun. Clubs were lit up colorfully, and were home to the latest and greatest technology available at the time. Even if you were not on dancing, simply being at these places was an experience on its own. The loud music, and strong dance beat can easily be compared to today’s raves and clubs. Growing up in the 2000s, it appears that like disco, dancing is less pertained to a certain culture, but rather internationally. With the media sources and technology today, nothing is within the boundaries of a nation. Cultures around the world look especially to America’s youth to define their own youth’s identity. In charge of the social movements are celebrities and musicians. Dances come and go such as the dougie, jerking, and now twerking. On a larger scale however, there is a huge international phenomenon taking place within the last couple of years especially, and that is with rave music festivals. My older brother has attended Ultra Music Festival in Miami Florida three times now, and recently went the campout-style Firefly Festival. These festivals can be compared to Woodstock in that they are outdoors in fields and the atmosphere there is a crowd of teenagers and young adults together for the love of music and a good time. Though, the music itself is much more related to that of the disco era, for it is house/techno music made for the sole purpose of making people dance and to make individuals have an outer body experience – mostly with the aid of drugs and alcohol. There is a reason why people spend hundreds of dollars to attend these festivals, though it is opposite of why Joseph and his generation spent so much money going to disco clubs. In today’s world, the younger generation finds they are growing up faster and faster, constantly surrounded by sophistication and the burdens of adulthood. A music festival provides a more primitive, relaxing, and raw experience. Instead of being part of society, festivals are meant to be a break from just that. They provide today’s youth with the ability to act childish and be outdoors with other people, instead of cooped up indoors with their technology. Personally, I have never attended one of these music festivals, and yet I still feel like I am part of that culture in a sense. Although, I did attend an indoor Tiesto Concert and the Liacourus Center and experienced on a smaller scale what such a performance is like live. Like Joseph who never really went to disco clubs, he still felt immersed in the era. For me, I believe it is due to how involved my generation is with social medias. There is Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and so much more that allows anyone anywhere to listen to the music and dress the fashions of one who attends these festivals. Often times, what young women of my generation wear out to college party is of the same style that you would see at these festivals, and the same techno house music is blasting through the walls. It is very possible to feel like a part of something even if you are not, simply due to its overwhelming influence on your world. Just like how Joseph may have dressed the part and new the music that would be played at discos such as â€Å"Stayin’ Alive† by the Bee Gees or â€Å"Dancing Queen† by ABBA. The closest experience I have ever had with knowing multiple dances is from attending Bar and Bat Mitzvahs and Sweet Sixteens. At these events we would do the Cotton Eye Joe, the Macarana, the Electric Slide, and more. It was one of the few times that everyone was on the dance floor, not matter the person’s age. There was definitely something special and unique about everyone knowing a certain dance and performing it together. It brought the room together and they were all dances that anyone of any age or dance level could accomplish easily. Often times, I saw these dances as ice breakers, because once those were over the only other dancing left to do for my generation was grinding. To call grinding a dance style is difficult, but none-the-less it is the dancing my generation is best at and most familiar with. No matter the time period or the style, dancing will always be a huge part of our culture. Dance being directly linked to music allows for genres to come and go with time. The first movies were a way to document dance, and even create new ones, such as â€Å"The Continental† in the film The Gay Divorcee. Then the musicals came and the song and dance numbers took on their own new life and told stories through the arts. And now Youtube and other social media outlets are broadcasting music videos and dancing of all types and genres. With each generation the styles change, sometimes more drastically than others, but as time goes on dance seems to become bigger and bigger with technology and a new sense of a worldwide culture. Joseph Donohue may be my father who grew in a suburb in New Jersey like myself, but our dance histories are completely different, and yet somewhat alike. I took classes, while he was taught through observation and his sisters. His generation’s dance legacy was disco, while mine is grinding and twerking. However, we both seemed to take to the sidelines when it came to partaking in these cultural evolutions. Both the 80s disco music and the house techno music of rave music festival that feature artists such as Avicii and Tiesto are meant for dancing and focus on a powerful beat to make people want to move. Works Cited â€Å"Disco Lifestyle.† Standford University. Richard Powers, 2010. Web. 6 Oct. 2013. . Disco Music. Bernard Lopez, 18 Dec. 2012. Web. 6 Oct. 2013. . †¨Early, Gerald. â€Å"Jazz and the African American Literary Tradition.† Freedom’s Story, TeacherServe ©. National Humanities Center. 6. Oct. 2013. Disco Now Disco Then. Greg Wilson. Greg Wilson, 1 May 2013. Web. 6 Oct. 2013. . Garofalo, Reebee. Disco. Britannica Academic Encyclopedia. N.p.: n.p., n.d. 1-2. Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. Web. 6 Oct. 2013. . View as multi-pages

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Ethan Frome: A Zenobic Paradox :: Free Essay Writer

Ethan Frome: A Zenobic Paradox There is a well-known expression that states, â€Å"There are two sides to every coin.â€Å" This is no different when it comes to Mrs. Frome. She is either Zeena, a mean, cruel hag or Zenobia, a munificent, compassionate woman. In the book Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton, Zeena is described as thin and hard. While in the short story Zenobia by Gina Berrault, Zenobia is described as slender, and gentle. There are two different â€Å"Zenobias† depicted and they are very paradoxical. Each author has used her own tools to illustrate this character. In the short story, Zenobia herself is talking and she admonishes Edith Wharton for the grievous act she committed in the novelette. Edith has written a story in which the viewpoint is quite biased. Ethan seems like the only one suffering despite the fact that Zenobia herself is also tormented. Zenobia had come to assist her dear, distant cousin Ethan Frome, by taking care of his ailing mother. After the mother died, Ethan afraid of being alone, asked her to stay on with him. Was it Zenobia’s fault that shortly after they were married she became sick? After all, she had spent most of her life taking care of others who were sick, wasn’t it time for someone to take of her? Edith Wharton portrays Zeena as one of the most unappealing people imaginable. She rarely opens her mouth except to complain or criticize. She does not need words to tell one what she thinks, because on her face is a constant disapproval. Zeena is mean and heartless, as Ethan felt the day Zeena told him that Mattie was to go. â€Å"He looked at her with loathing. She was no longer the listless creature who had lived at his side in a state of sullen self-absorption, but a mysterious alien presence, an evil energy secreted from the long years of silent brooding.† On the other hand, all Zenobia wants is for her love to be returned. As she said, â€Å"He took my satchel from my hand, and said my name, Zenobia, and my own heart was moved by him for the rest of my days.† All she wants is for Ethan to give to her love and devotion. When she realizes that this love is unattainable, meanness and bitterness sets in. â€Å"Meanness came and filled up the spaces where love was not .†

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Personal Purpose

At a very young age, I began to be fascinated by the role of money in our day today lives, this allure grew and it influenced my goals. It's with great deliberation that I have decided to pursue the Master of Finance course in your esteemed institution, since it is harmonious with my goal of being a Financial Analyst. It's the confluence of personal and professional experiences, that has led me to choose this path. My childhood was influenced by my parents, who steadfastly believed that I should give my best to both academic and extra-curricular pursuits. I was a part of the debate club which gave me the tools to understand the important issues, while having a balanced perspective on them. I have also been studying Indian classical music and dance for nearly a decade, which led to an appreciation of arts, regardless of their origin. During my Grade 12, I spent some time voluntarily tutoring students in my class in accounts. Accounts is a strength I am proud of, for it is also one of the pillars of my ambition. I also worked with various nonprofit organizations where I tasked o work for the welfare of disadvantaged animals from getting them vaccinated to finding them loving homes. This meaningful work has left in me a strong love for all creatures great and small. All of this had a great impact on my person, it molded me into being extremely independent and proactive. I staunchly believe that hard work beats talent where talent doesn't work hard. This attitude was tested when I applied myself complete my graduation and then start work to put my knowledge to practice. After my graduation I got a splendid opportunity to intern in Transaction Advisory Services at BDO India (erstwhile MZSK and Associates). The department specialized in valuation services, due diligences, other structuring options. Dealing with different assignments across industries, I began to notice the importance of financial management. This slowly encouraged my passion for finance, which led me to understand myself and helped me create a road map to achieve my goals. I strongly believe in having a hands-on approach while solving and making key corporate decisions. I came across this graduate program, and it fulfilled all that I need to further my career goals. The coursework is exemplary covering all aspects required to propel one into the profession of finance. I firmly believe that the Management degree with finance as its core shall broaden my knowledge and provide necessary insights I seek, made me absolutely convinced to work towards this program. The strong focus on world class faculty and a vibrant university life also clinched my decision to apply to your university. I would like to further assert that this program would provide invaluable significance to my life and academic career. This program will give me opportunity to study with like-minded individuals and the fortuity to collaborate with premier faculty both of which would impact my person greatly. Therefore, it would be an absolute pleasure to be admitted as a part of this program.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Impact of Family Relationships in “the Story of an Hour” & “the Yellow Wallpaper”

Family relationships, especially involving spouses can create difficulties and challenges for one or the other, in-turn could create an impact in their relationship. Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Story of an Hour† and Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† are short stories centralized on the view of two married women, the challenges they endure in their relationships and coping with their spouse. Women wanting to have freedom, having to deal with an illness and their position in the household can create such challenges for spouses. Freedom to women means to be treated as an equal to their spouse, to avoid being controlled with every aspect of their lives. In Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Story of and Hour and Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper, both have a setting in the same era of men being dominant over their spouse. In â€Å"The Story of an Hour†, the protagonist Mrs. Mallard kept whispering to herself upon hearing the passing of her husband; â€Å"†¦she said it over and over under her breath: Free, free, free! † (Chopin 2) and â€Å"Free! Body and soul free! † (Chopin 3). In my point of view those feelings that Mrs. Mallard felt at that moment was finally being let go from her husband’s grasp and the shackles of marriage which was an imprisonment to her. In â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†, the narrator of the story was remained nameless is confined in a room with eccentric wallpaper, which I think seems to symbolize the complexity and confusion in her life. The narrator’s freedom in this case would be writing, which did not sit well with her husband based on this quote; â€Å"There comes John, and I must put this away – he hates to have me write a word† (Gilman 57). For those moments the narrator writes in her journal she feels to have freedom and to express herself from reality, but in secret. The way the narrator describes her room as; â€Å"it is a big, airy room, the whole floor nearly, with windows that look all ways, and air and sunshine galore†¦I should judge, for the windows, are barred for little children and there are rings and things in the walls† (Gilman 56). This portrayal of the room could be described as confinement for the narrator, and a sense feeling trapped. In both short stories, the main characters, Mrs. Mallard and the narrator have or ended up developing some sort of illness while in their marriages which can create difficulties in their relationship. In â€Å"Story of an Hour† it was stated Mrs. Mallard was â€Å"affiliated with heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband’s death† (Chopin 1). According to the facts provided in the short story there was no hint or confirmation that she had this condition since her childhood, so objectively speaking, assumptions could be made such as Mrs. Mallard developing the illness over the course of her marriage. In â€Å"Yellow Wallpaper†, the narrator is mentally ill and with the advice of her husband, a physician advises her that nothing is wrong, according to the this quote â€Å"†¦you see, he does not believe I am sick†¦if a physician of high standing and one’s own husband assures friends and relatives that there is nothing the matter with one but temporary nervous depression – a slight hysterical tendency† (Gilman 55). For that fact, the husband advises her to be confined in a room, and stating her disapproval, she would say her husband â€Å"would not hear of it† (Gilman 56). As time went by in her room, she looks to have developed fascination with the wallpaper in the room, which she also disliked, using her imagination. Every aspect of the wallpaper was analyzed with thoughts such as â€Å"This paper looks to me as if it knew what a vicious influence it had† (Gilman 59) and â€Å"The faint figure behind seemed to shake the pattern, just as if she wanted to get out† (Gilman 63). These facts could be assumed that she was starting to get mentally unstable being imprisoned, with her spouse not willing to help her; a mental illness was present. The 18th century is known for husband’s being the dominant gender whereas their spouse is looked upon as â€Å"fragile† while their thoughts and suggestions being ignored. The husband’s duty would be that they are the income earners whereas the wife would preform her duties as what a typical wife would do during that era; run the household. Women would want to speak up but are afraid that it would show disrespect and as time goes on would eventually lead to resentment. In â€Å"Story of an Hour† Mrs. Mallard was hearing the news of her husband’s passing, upon receiving it, she would have such joy inside her which led to her death; â€Å"when the doctor’s came they said she had died of heart disease – of joy that kills† (Chopin 4). The story doesn’t elaborate the details of her marriage, only in the present, assumptions could be made how Mrs. Millard’s marriage was as a woman in the 18th century, and especially with the reaction she had upon hearing the news. In â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†, the narrator’s husband was the main income earner with a â€Å"high standing position† (Gilman 55), while the wife was home. A quote said by the husband was â€Å"what is it little girl? He asked. Don’t go walking about like that – you’ll get cold† (Gilman 63). The fact provided in my view is that the husband doesn’t see the narrator as his wife, but as a child. As time would go it would seem like the narrator would have resentment towards the husband, even though he is doing no harm such as â€Å" he is very careful and loving, and hardly lets me stir without special direction† (Gilman 56). In the end, she would say â€Å"I’ve got out at last, said I, in spite of you and Jane. And I’ve pulled off most of the paper, so you can’t put me back! † (Gilman 70). The fact would assume that she was able to free herself from him and would rip the paper off in spite of her husband, which would show hate. In conclusion, in the two short stories, â€Å"Story of an Hour† and â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†, have two women in the same era enduring difficulties and challenges with spouses. Women wanting to have freedom, being treated as equals, developing or encountering an illness and the position in the household would lead to challenges and in can have an impact on their relationship. Chopin, K. â€Å"The Story of an Hour. † The Mercury Reader: A Custom Publication. Comp. M. Rubens. Toronto: Pearson Custom Publications, 2006. 1-4. Gilman, C. â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper. † The Mercury Reader: A Custom Publication. Comp. M. Rubens. Toronto: Pearson Custom Publications, 2006. 54-70.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Lloyd Augustus Hall - Chemist and Inventor

Lloyd Augustus Hall - Chemist and Inventor An industrial food chemist, Lloyd Augustus Hall revolutionized the meatpacking industry with his development of curing salts for the processing and reserving of meats. He developed a technique of flash-driving (evaporating) and a technique of sterilization with ethylene oxide which is still used by medical professionals today. Earlier Years Lloyd Augustus Hall was born in Elgin, Illinois, on June 20, 1894.  Halls grandmother came to Illinois via the Underground Railroad  when she was 16. Halls grandfather came to Chicago in 1837 and was one of the founders of the Quinn Chapel  A.M.E. Church. In 1841, he was the churchs first pastor. Hall’s parents, Augustus and Isabel, both graduated high school. Lloyd was born in Elgin but his family moved to  Aurora, Illinois​, which is where he was raised. He graduated in 1912 from East Side High School in Aurora. After graduation, he studied   pharmaceutical chemistry  at  Northwestern University,  earning a bachelor of science degree, followed by a  masters  degree from the  University of Chicago. At Northwestern, Hall met Carroll L. Griffith, who with his father, Enoch L. Griffith, founded  Griffith Laboratories​. The Griffiths later hired Hall as their chief chemist. After finishing college, Hall was hired by the  Western Electric Company  after a phone interview. But the company refused to hire Hall when they learned he was black. Hall then began working as a chemist for the Department of Health in  Chicago  followed by a job as chief chemist with the John Morrell Company. During  World War I, Hall served with the  United States Ordnance Department  where he was promoted to Chief Inspector of Powder and Explosives. Following the war, Hall married Myrrhene Newsome and they moved to Chicago where he worked for the Boyer Chemical Laboratory, again as a chief chemist. Hall then became president and chemical director for Chemical Products Corporations consulting laboratory. In 1925, Hall took a position with Griffith Laboratories where he remained for 34 years. Inventions Hall invented new ways to preserve food. In 1925, at Griffith Laboratories, Hall invented his processes for preserving meat using sodium chloride and nitrate and nitrite crystals.   This process was known as flash-drying. Hall also pioneered the use of antioxidants. Fats and oils spoil when exposed to oxygen in the air. Hall used lecithin, propyl gallate, and ascorbyl ​palmite as antioxidants, and invented a process to prepare the antioxidants for food preservation. He invented a process to sterilized spices using ​ethylenoxide gas, an insecticide. Today, the use of preservatives has been reexamined. Preservatives have been linked to many health issues. Retirement After retiring from Griffith Laboratories in 1959, Hall consulted for the  Food and Agriculture Organization  of the  United Nations. From 1962 to 1964, he was on the American  Food for Peace  Council. He died in 1971 in  Pasadena,  California. He was awarded several honors during his lifetime, including  honorary degrees  from  Virginia State University,  Howard University​  and the  Tuskegee Institute,  and in 2004 he was inducted into the  National Inventors Hall of Fame​.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Most Important Factor in SEO

The Most Important Factor in SEO The Most Important Factor in SEO The Most Important Factor in SEO By Mark Nichol If you, or the business or organization you work for, want people to visit your (or its) website, you should know the most important factor in search engine optimization. As you probably know, SEO is any set of strategies designed to improve your website’s ranking in an online search. Various sources ascribe varying values to such strategies, but most SEO experts agree that the following approaches are important: Content should be well written, relevant, engaging, and frequently updated. Title, meta description, and header tags should contain terms that accurately reflect site content. URLs, or website addresses, should be short and should contain relevant keywords. A website’s longevity, and its reputation among popular websites with related content (indicated by shared content, links to your site, and references to your site), are also beneficial factors. There are additional techniques, but these are the basics that content producers should be aware of. You should also be alert to one of the factors that causes a website to be penalized in search engine rankings: Content that lacks depth and substance and that uses keywords excessively. Most website administrators, webmasters, and content producers are aware that search engines companies are constantly refining their products to reward websites with high-quality content and penalize those that ignore these simple, self-evident principles. However, it’s surprising how often one still comes across densely keyword-laden, awkward content that is designed for search engines, not human beings, to read. This approach to SEO is akin to that of a retail establishment that temporarily offers free products or services or that stations attractive, scantily clad models at the store entrance for a particular promotion. These techniques certainly encourage customers (I know both of them get my attention), but they have nothing to do with the quality of the products or services; once the freebies and the hotties go away, will customers come back? By the same token, if you want people to return to your website, give them what they want and what they want should be what you have to offer, not distracting diversions. The quantity of content varies widely depending on what that is, but quality is constant: Website content should be clear, concise, and informative. Compare the following paragraph from the About page for Daily Writing Tips with the one after that, which reflects what I would probably write if I were unfortunate enough to be an SEO content creator rather than a writer: â€Å"Whether you are an attorney, manager, or student, writing skills are essential to your success. The rise of the information age with the proliferation of e-mails, blogs, and social networks makes the ability to write clear, correct English more important than ever.† â€Å"Daily Writing Tips knows that English-writing skills are essential to your success. Whether you are an attorney, manager, or student, you need to write English well. Read tips about how to write English better at Daily Writing Tips. At Daily Writing Tips, we will show you how to write English well, use correct English spelling and proper English punctuation, and use the right English words. Bookmark Daily Writing Tips now for the best English-writing tips.† One paragraph tells you what you need to know. The other makes you want to scream. It isn’t content. It’s data. It is designed to be read by a machine. Design your content to be read by people. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Whimsical WordsBest Websites to Learn EnglishA Yes-and-No Answer About Hyphenating Phrases

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Organizational Life-Cycles and Management Styles Research Proposal

Organizational Life-Cycles and Management Styles - Research Proposal Example Planning is very important since this will be the start off of a certain project. Without planning, the project may cause delays and eventually will reach the goal which is envisioned by the company. Having an activity or an event, planning is always needed. This plan will be the record of the goals and objectives the company wanted to achieve. In this way, there will be a check and balance if the projects were pursued or were it done.It is a process. Planning comes with organizing, directing people, who will be involved heavily in projects and ensure that there are changes, impacts happened through the course of implementation through monitoring.According to Reh (2006), managing people has never been easy especially when there are big numbers of the staff involved. But once the plan is done properly, in sync with organizing, directing and monitoring, then this will not be a heavy load after all. Later, it will be realized that the challenging project is rewarding once it came out su ccessfully.In brief, Mills (2005) stated that â€Å"leadership is about a vision of the future and the ability to boost others to pursue it while management is about getting results and if it has done effectively and efficiently it will be a success†.A good leader should have qualities that can meet the standards of the people as well as the company. Some of these are a passion for the work. Enjoying what he is doing and do not care with the compensation. A good leader should also be decisive. In handling matters inside the company, the people seek this kind of leader. Other qualities are conviction, integrity, adaptability, emotional toughness, emotional resonance, self-knowledge, and humility.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Marketing strategy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing strategy - Assignment Example In this distribution strategy, it is not hard to sell a specialty product assuming that the said specialty store is already well-known about its carried products or service offerings. However, considering concern about wide range of distribution, it is necessary that more specialty stores are needed in order to create more market penetration for specific specialty products in a wide market range. The second point is that specialty store in general does not only carry one product, but it might probably take two or more identical products of different brands. In this case, competition may be of great concern for a certain specialized product. Even if it is highly specialized, the customers are always open to the idea that they have to choose from varied specialty products. In the above situation, it is clear that there is correspondingly significant limit of the distribution of a specialty chocolate product if it has to focus only on its distribution with specialty stores or brokers. T hus, another alternative would be to go for corporate vertical marketing system.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

WWII Inventions and Innovations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

WWII Inventions and Innovations - Essay Example One can only begin to imagine where the world would be now if WWII had not happened. The innovations that resulted from WWII are quite significant and still present in modern society. Some significant events that took place during WWII that have impacted my life as well as the lives of many sometimes go unnoticed but not forgotten. Women took on a new role in society and men fought for freedom. New weapons were created as well as the means for new technology. Hitler’s power was defeated and the Japanese went against the odds and made a surprising attack on Pearl Harbor. This attack began the start of the war and America bombed two Japanese territories that finished the war. The end of the war also marked a milestone in history as this started a new way of life for many. The role of women is one of the most innovative and long running changes that can still be seen in modern society as result of WWII. When WWII began women had a role that left them limited to taking care of the home, children and husband. These roles women had made their presence in the work field limited and their motivation to step up in society low. WWII made it necessary for men to go to war. This meant that the men would be leaving the home and the women were then forced with the burden to take care of everything that they were once before limited too. With many men off to war but the production of war supplies at an all time high, women were encouraged to step up and go to work. Many women not only worked like men once did, but women were also enlisting in the war. The government helped force this upon women with the use of advertising. Many billboards and posters were placed for women to see that encouraged them to step up in society. This is known in history as Rosie the Riveters. The events that WWII had on women and their new role in society have affected lives even to this day. Women are still working many jobs alongside men as well as taking care of the household. Women are mo re outspoken and honored for their many achievements. Without WWII, the role of women in society would not be as flourished as it is because of the result of WWII. The government was also able to use this as a way to investigate the affects that the mass media has on others. The response to the advertising toward women was so successful that the government was able to gain power through motivation. Weapons and technology that were invented during WWII are also used today and can be seen as building blocks for other weapons and technological advances. The medical field, weaponry and communications have come a long way since WWII but without advances made in WWII, many may not have been possible. Weapons and military advancement that have impacted modern day life and helped to advance the war include new ships and guns, the use of navigation and espionage and the rise in factory work this created. Many countries were constantly developing new ways that allowed them to take on a more p owerful stance during WWII. Medical advancements developed during WWII helped many survive injuries and are still used today. Although drugs such as penicillin were created before WWII the need was high for those in the front lines of war. What this meant was that penicillin needed to be mass produced and stored efficiently so that it could be beneficial. The ability to mass produce and distribute penicillin has impacted lives today. Pharmaceutical companies are now able to better keep up with the demand of many medicines that each one of us use every day. Communication as a result of WWII has made many impacts. These impacts include allowing communication to be as advanced as it now is. The results are the

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Hindustan Motors Limited Analysis

Hindustan Motors Limited Analysis Hindustan Motors Limited is ancestor to all automobile manufacturing companies of India. It was established in 1942 before Indias independence. It was a flagship company of C.K. Birla group. Initially company had a small assembling plant at Port Okha, Gujarat. Main purpose was to reduce transportation cost because all parts were imported from foreign companies. Later it was shifted to Uttarpara, West Bengal due to cheaper raw materials and cheap labor cost. This later resulted in one of the most successful motor car of India the ambassador. Apart from the ambassador Hindustan Motors Limited has been active in production of various types of passenger cars, trucks and multi utility vehicle. Hindustan motors collaborated with Mitsubishi motors, Japan and introduce mid size premium segment cars such as Mitsubishi Lancer, Lancer select and Lancer Cedia. The company brought first sports utility vehicle to India which was Mitsubishi Pajero. Besides passenger cars (Ambassador, Grand, and Avigo), Multi Utility Vehicles (Trekker, Porter, and Pushpak) and the RTV, Hindustan Motors also manufactures passenger cars in the mid size premium segment (Mitsubishi Lancer, Lancer Select, and Lancer Cedia) and has brought in Sports Utility Vehicle (Mitsubishi Pajero) into the Indian market in collaboration with Mitsubishi Motors, Japan. Company made collaboration with General Motors and their joint venture produced Bedford trucks and Vauxhall motors during eighties and nineties. The partnership became 50-50 when General Motors bought Hindustan Motors plant at Halol, Gujarat in 1999. After almost seven decades Hindustan Motors is still actively contributing in countrys automobile market. Its manufacturing facilities are established in Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal. Hindustan Motors motto is quality, safety with environmental care. It has been providing total solutions for customer care. Executive Summary: C. K. Birla: He is the chairman of the Board of Hindustan Motors LTD. He has a vast experience of business as he has been a successful industrialist since decades. Along with the chairmans post he serves as an independent non executive director of Hindustan Motors LTD. Manoj Jha:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   He is recently promoted as a Managing Director at Hindustan Motors LTD. He is an executive vice president of engineering division and member of the management board. He studied hi engineering from Ranchi University. Yogesh Goenka: He is a chief financial officer, compliance officer and company secretary. He did Bachelor of commerce as well as AICWA, ACS, MBM. OBJECTIVE OF THE COMPANY: Main objective of the company is to provide an automobile with comfort and safety. The company has collaboration with international companies such as general motors, Vauxhall motors and Mitsubishi motor suggests that company has always been thriving for technology. Still the company is looking for development and technological enhancement to overcome recent declining in its sell. According to the chairman of Hindustan Motors the company main objective is to increase the selling of their models by improving its managerial structure. The company is looking for new and affordable product which can boost up their selling. Main purpose of this project paper is to study about declining of their once most successful model the ambassador. The Product-à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   The ambassador The ambassador model was based on Morris Oxford model which was manufactured in Cowley by Morris motors. Initially Hindustan motors started the production of Land master in 1954 near Uttarpara plant Kolkata. This led to production of ambassador in 1957. Thus 1957 can be counted as e year when ambassador first came into existence. The ambassador was considered to be best suited to harsh Indian terrain thats why it became very popular. AT that time it was said if you want to have comfort have an ambassador. Till 1980s there were only two Indian cars available in Indian market: ambassador and padmini. Due to its comfort and ability to sustain heavy blows on harsh terrain ambassador captured almost 70% of the Indian automobile market. It is to be noted that ambassador was once called the limousine of India because all politicians, famous businessmen prefer to have ambassador. It was a status symbol because of its proud appearance. It is strange that till 2001 the ambassador remain popular in taxi segment because it was said that the ambassador has ability to sustain shock during motor accident better than any other car available at that time. The credit goes to the manufacturing department of ambassador because the chassis of ambassador was such rigid that it can bear heavy blow from front as well as from side and rear. Till 90s India was sellers market means customer had to wait for a long time to get the product. Take an example of BAJAJ scooter, during 80s the condition was if son wants a scooter than father should apply for that so that after a long time son can be able to drive it. Well it is an exaggeration but the conditions for automobile market were very bad especially for a new company to jump in because government had laid very harsh rules on foreign companys entry and imported material became very costly. This give ambassador a dominant position for a few decades with some extraordinary features as discussed above and the ambassador succeeded to maintain it for a long period. Decline-à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚   The product is in decline during last decade and the sales are decreasing it is surprising for such once successful model. To find out the products recent condition PORTER model analysis and SWOT analysis have been carried out as shown below. PORTER model analysis:- Against new entrants such as Maruti Suzuki, Honda, Ford, Hyundai etc the company failed to compete and continued with their existing strategy. It has found that after the year of 2000 the product has been in decline the table below gives its detail. As shown in the table despite of increasing number of automobiles in India the selling of ambassador is continuously decreasing. The company failed to cop up with ongoing circumstances such as in case of suppliers it failed to judge the pace of the industry and it remained slow in comparison of others. The company remained stick to only one brand means they didnt have varieties of products. The ambassador was available with nearly the same features throughout its existence. While Maruti Suzuki which has become the largest car manufacturer of India implemented various products having various features which made the company growing in terms of profit and selling. Companys market share has been decreased due to internal rivalry among union and management. SWOT analysis: Strength: Ambassador was the first car produce by an Indian company. It became a huge success story as well. There was a time when ambassador was exported to the countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri lanka and Myanmar. It was exported to Middle East countries as well. Due to its long reign in India Company has a broad network of service centers. It consists of 115 strong dealers, 50 parts dealers and 60 additional exclusive parts dealers. In 2006 the company has invested huge amount to establish production capacity for its product part. As stated earlier the image of ambassador as a car is still strong in Indian customers mind as trustworthy vehicle in all terms. Weaknesses The model hasnt been changed much since its first appearance. A customer needs change with improvement in outer look as well as its performance. As far as performance is concerned the ambassador is OK if compared with the modern cars. In case of look, its not at all attractive or impressive for younger generation. The company came to manufacturing when government rules were tough for any outsiders. As stated earlier Indian market at that time was sellers market. Low volume high price is all that Hindustan motors gave to its customers. When the laws were made liberal and new companies jumped into Indian market the company didnt make considerable changes for manufacturing process which couldnt cop up with new demand. Ambassador is the most dominant among all products of Hindustan motors. However new customers want safety with fuel efficiency. Ambassador promises safety but it was not fuel efficient when compared to modern cars. The employees were not efficient due to union problems which were a result of improper human resource management. Though the company had made several tie ups but later on when required to obtain new technology it lacks global export markets. Opportunities The ambassador is still recognized as the most comfortable car. Old age people prefer to have ambassador than any other car due to its impressive record against accidents. The company can modify the same car and it can make it more fuel efficient to attract middle class. There are examples of such long reigning cars. Take an example of Volkswagen beetle which was introduce in early 40s and its production continued till the beginning of 21st century. Volkswagen has achieved this by continuously changing the design and internal features. Same is needed to be done in case of ambassador as well. Threats Employees are not motivated enough to their job faithfully. More and more new companies are coming to India as it is becoming a giant market for automobile industry. Every companys aim is to provide the most fuel efficient and trustworthy car. According to company ambassador has been designed and manufactured over the years in such a way that it is almost difficult to change its features. It is most important to see how company has implemented the marketing mix strategy to its product so that it is declining. 4 PS OF MARKETING: Product: Ambassador the first Indian car manufactured in India. The most successful car of Indian automobile history. Figure : Ambassador The ambassador has a powerful 5420 cc engine, heavy axles, hydraulic brakes and bigger suspensions. Before considering the ambassador first of all it is required to know what company should be looking for when they introduce their product. For whom it is manufacturing its product? How much benefit they are expecting? Which position going to be the best for their product? What is their product offering that others is not? When the ambassador was launched the company was fully aware that only rich people would be buying their product therefore they provided all facilities that were present at that time. Also ambassadors have been used by ministers as well so for them there were special models having security implements such as bullet proof glass. The company was fully aware of what it going to achieve because at that time there was no competition and the market was open to it. Price: Pricing is another important element of marketing mix. Pricing brings money back to the company and companys profit depends on it. Other three Ps depends on price; it is easy to understand that remaining P require cost. Product needs cost from early design to manufacture. Placing means distribution also needs cost. Promotion also requires cost. These costs are variable cost to the company. Pricing to be perfect must show supply and demand relationship. Pricing a product too high or too low cause loss to the company therefore it should lie in between. There are different factors which should be considered as shown below. Fixed and variable costs Competition Company objectives Proposed positioning strategies Target group and willingness to pay In case of ambassador Hindustan Motors has used Product Line Pricing i.e. For the same product the company has set different prices for different features. Place: Place strategies Place strategies include the ways of distribution by the manufacturer. The manufacturer should have a clear idea about the market. The manufacturer should be aware of the demand and accordingly it should provide the supply. These demand and supply should be balanced properly because in a condition where supply is less than demand, the customer dissatisfaction in acquiring the product results into loss for the company. In most conditions the customers starts favor other companies product though they are not as better. Therefore just because of improper supply the company lost its good will. There are mainly two kinds of placing strategies. The manufacture may go through any one of them depending upon which suits it the most. As shown in figure in one strategy there isnt direct contact between manufacturer and the customer in this case the company doesnt need to carry out surveys for demands all it needs to do is maintaining proper supply to the whole seller. However in this case the company may not come to know about what the customer wants and this leads to misinterpretation of customer need due to indirect contact having so many extra elements in between. This problem can be removed by maintaining direct contact of the company with its customer as shown in figure. In this case the manufacturer directly supplies its products to the customer. But this needs a wide distribution network by the company which is costly depending upon the size of the company. First channel of distribution is called indirect distribution and second channel of distribution is called direct distribution. indirect distributiondirect distribution Figure : Above indirect distribution (left) and direct distribution (right).   The ambassador has been distributed by indirect distribution method thats the reason why in later years the company fails to recognize the customers need. Depending on the type of product being distributed there are three common distribution strategies available: Distribution: According to the nature of the product there are few distribution strategies as shown below. Intensive distribution: As the name suggests this distribution is high in numbers and widely spread. It generally doesnt need the survey as the products are common and general. Example: chocolate, soft drinks, biscuit Exclusive distribution: Some products are there which need proper demonstration and guidance so that customer can be made fully aware of what he is paying for. These products are highly prices. Example: Cars, bikes etc. Selective distribution: This kind of distribution consists of wide space where customer has a freedom to have a look and select a product from wide varieties. Example: TV, computers etc. Hindustan motors have used exclusive distribution method over the year which is common for any car manufacturer. Promotion Promotion means advertising the product. A product without promotion is a complete failure as through the promotion the customer comes to know about the product. There are different promotion strategies as shown below. Advertisement: Advertisement can be said as a non personal promotion activity through media. Public relations: Good relations with the customers as well as media persons make the promotion easier as in this case company doesnt need to do anything. Sales promotion: Company can give vouchers or coupons to attract the customer. Discount scheme, free scheme are examples of sales promotion. Personal selling: Door to door selling or personal to personal selling comes under this category. Promotion of ambassador comes under the public relations as due to its image as a successful car the media and people has been promoting it over the years. The company has never or barely used advertisement or sales promotion. RECENT CONDITION: Company Sales during 2010 (million Rs.) Hindustan motors 5802.7 Maruti suzuki 296230.10 Swaraj Mazda 7167.60 Mahindra and Mahindra 186021.10 Table : Comparison of sales with other companies (Source: It can be seen from the figures that at present the company is far behind from market leaders like Maruti Suzuki and Mahindra and Mahindra. CRITICAL ANALYSIS: Critical analysis of this particular project requires thorough understanding of marketing mix strategy. To give personal views about anything first of all one should make himself familiar with the subject. Thats exactly what I did. Before starting the project I went through on line papers and explanation about the marketing mix strategy. I found that though everywhere the concept to be used was marketing mix but its implementation was different. Like All roads lead to Rome all of them were leading to the success of their company by successful implementation of marketing mix strategy. During the lectures I heard the tutors saying about getting into marketing mix by doing a practical experiment. It is obvious that they were not saying about establishing a new company of implementing a marketing mix strategy actually. Its about taking any company and than putting my own ideas about marketing mix strategy into motion. The same thing has been done by me during this assignment. I have sele cted a company the product of which is in decline since three or four years. I carried out analysis based on what was taught to me. Now I am going to give my personal opinion about marketing mix strategy and its implementation. In the beginning it is important about the value offered by the company to its customers. I have selected the oldest Indian automobile company named Hindustan motors. The product which I considered was ambassador car. The product has been successful until last two decades than it started declining due to the factors which I have discussed earlier. So what is value? In general the value can be defined as the ratio of function to the cost. Any company can increase the value of its product by increasing its function and decreasing its cost. Functions may vary accordingly such as it may be visual appearance, comfort, promising performance etc. It seems simple to increasing value by increasing function or by decreasing cost but actually it is the most important and complex feature for any manufacturing company to be succeeded. A customer always judge the product by the value offered from it. Sometimes it may be more functions sometimes it may be less costs. The company should be therefore aware of what customer wants from its product. If company knows the value expected from the customer it tries to make some changes into the product in terms of functions or cost. This is not an easy task because the company has to make some changes in its manufacturing process and sometimes within the organization. One wrong step can lead to complete contradict out come and leads company to the loss. According to Devst the value creation process is more effective in manufacturing company than other sectors (Deyst, 2000). Other sectors include service sectors such as an airline company, insurance company where the company provides service instead of the product. It appears that these service sectors change their goal and direction more rapidly than the manufacturing sectors. Therefore value creation process is not as important for them as it is for manufacturing companies. For manufacturing companies final value of the product depends on value of the product during its manufacturing process. In other words according to Lean development of product and final value of the product are strongly related with each other (Lean, 1998). Thus the value should be defined after each phase of the product development process. However creation of value at each stage requires severe value addition to move ahead of the competitor. There are few who think that value creation process cant lead company towards its goal. According to Lloyd value creation doesnt indicate the vision of the company. Value is nothing rather than a conceptual idea. I dont agree with that because I have found during the research for this particular company that defining value is the most important factor to attain marketing lead. Hindustan Motors failed to attain value in terms of appearance and fuel efficiency of ambassador when other companies were launching new products into the market. This leads to decreasing sales of ambassador. The company didnt make proper market research and they continued to do the same over the past years. The outlook of the ambassador is the same as it was 40 years ago. The ration of function to cost became unstable due to decreasing functions of the car. In terms of price also the car was costly as company was making limited production and failed to grasp new concept of high volume production for low price and high profit. From my research of old papers and publications I found one thing in common. Most of the authors consider marketing as an art of selling. However now day marketing is becoming more than an art. It has become a necessity. Without marketing selling the product is impossible. Now days lots of companies are spending more and more money on marketing their product. The marketing value of the product is sometimes higher than the manufacturing and raw material value. It is strange that Hindustan Motors took the marketing strategy very lightly. According to me the main reason is when they came into existence they didnt have any competitors all they need to do is manufacturing and selling of the car. As I have stated earlier before 80s Indian automobile market was sellers market which means manufacturing companies have the command on the market not the customers. Having customers command on the market is essential otherwise the development stops. The same thing happened, ambassador remains the same car as it was when it was first introduced. Hindustan Motors didnt promote the car because as a single Indian car it was already famous. Distribution was not that much difficult because car owners were few. The price of the ambassador was relatively high because those who needed the car didnt have another option. Also the government rules on importing the components were harsh and company was paying high prices for them. It seems obvious what the company did during those years. But when the scenario changed during 90s the market became open to all the government rules became soft and lots of other car manufacturers jumped into the Indian automobile market. This was the time when the ambassador should have changed its strategies. However they didnt make considerable changes on the other side new companies like Maruti Suzuki got the nerve of an Indian customer and introduced cheapest car in the market. Due to this drastic change once giant Hindustan Motors has become a company in loss with one of its most successful car an ambassador in decline. FANTASTIC FOUR The four Ps of marketing which should be studied and understood in a proper way to attain success. During the project I came to know that balancing these four is not an easy task as it seems. Any cannot pick the product randomly, it cannot sell it in the price it wants, it cannot distribute the product whenever and wherever it decides and it has to promote its products such a way that customer attracts to buy it. I have considered all four Ps including my understanding about them, Product Pricing Placing Promotion Product: An initial P for any company to think about. It seems strange to consider which product to be made for marketing. As per my previous understanding marketing comes into picture after selection of product. This was true in old times. But now a days company should be keen towards the product it is going to manufacture. The market condition , market surveys future of the product, availability of the raw materials, environment effect of the raw materials are some of the important factors to be considered before the start of manufacturing the product. I think right product at right time removes half of the troubles for marketing. Take an example of ambassador; it arrives in the market when there were no competitors. As a result it dominated the market for decades. Due to proper timing and place Hindustan motors saved their expenses for promotion. They didnt promote it ever i.e. since my childhood I have never seen an advertisement of ambassador or huge posters promoting the car. A mbassador got promoted by its customers which is ideal for any product. Sometimes good product becomes a loss for the company when it launched at improper timing. There are so many examples of excellent movies which didnt succeed on the box office due to adverse conditions. Pricing: Pricing of the product is non variable factor for the company. The company decides the price of any product after considering other Ps. The expenses during the product stage i.e. manufacturing and raw material expenses. Expenses due to distribution and promotion also considered. The company adds its expected profit as well. Pricing is the most deciding factor because as I think many manufactures are not aware of the ideal price and the customers always think that they have paid more. This dissatisfaction leads to decreasing sales and loss of the company. I think that before pricing the product the company should make a proper survey and it should make the customers fully aware of what they are buying and how much they will get after paying the price. I have seen three kinds of customers, Those who care about price only Those who care about quality only Those who care about balancing the price and quality These customers are generally from three different classes, those who are looking for price are generally relatively poor, those who are looking for quality are rich and those who select the product after looking at price and quality are middle class people. Depending upon the nature of the product the company can make changes in its product. In case of ambassador the companys initial target was rich people because the middle class of India was not in a condition to buy a car. The company provides good quality with comparatively higher cost but it got the customers from India who was looking for the quality. When the era changed and middle class customers increased who now were in a condition to afford a car changed the situation of the market completely. Failing to see this upcoming Hindustan motors fell behind the Maruti Suzuki because of higher price. Placing: Placing according to me is a strong decider for the products success. A product should be distributed such that it gets perfect conditions for it. Ideal customers, ideal geography can be considered as conditions which the company should be looking for. I think that company should be clear and perfect about the product distribution. It involves lot of investment to carry the product from the manufacturing plant to the market. It is economically critical to change the place by distributing the product from one place to another. Thats why I think that for placing also the company needs proper survey in order to distribute the product at right place on right time. Promotion: Advertisement is becoming utmost necessity for selling of the product. Modern market is complex with so many products and companies. It is required therefore for any company to promote the product in a way that customers know about the features of the product. Promotion should be maximum and precise, or I can say it should be concentrated heavily on its target. The company should be aware of the targeted customers and market and should therefore emphasize heavily on them. If it is improper than company will be investing heavily in useless activities. Without promoting or improper promoting the product leads to heavy losses as can be seen in case of ambassador. When it was launched it didnt have any need of being promoted. As a first Indian automobile it was already famous so the company didnt have any need to promote it and company did the same as well. But when as I have discussed later the market changed there was immediate need of promoting to show the new customers wha t the car is and why it was so successful. The company failed to do so and product sell decreased. CONCLUSION: After making a project report on the declining ambassador car I can say that with changing time the company should focus on the ongoing conditions as well as it should be prepared of future. Same strategy wont work for all time in all kind of situations. Customers, environment and competitors change accordingly and company should be looking for continuous improvement rather than remain satisfied from the present. Ambassador is an excellent example of how once market leader can go into loss due to improper marketing strategy by the company.