Thursday, December 26, 2019

Have to and Must - ESL Grammar Lesson Plans

Many students often confuse the usage of the modals must and have to. While meaning is generally maintained in incorrect usage in the positive forms, a mix-up in the negative forms can cause confusion. This lesson uses daily routines and an interviewing game to help students master these important modal forms. Aim: Learn the modal forms have to and must Activity: Grammar introduction/review, talking about daily routines and interview game Level: Lower levels Outline: Ask students to talk about their daily routines. Have them make a list of five things that they have to do every day.Introduce the grammar by having the students take a look at the grammar sheet below.Discuss the differences between have to and must in the positive form. Make sure to point out that have to is used for daily routines while must is used for strong personal obligation.Discuss the differences between dont have to and mustnt. Make sure to stress the idea that dont have to expresses the idea that the person isnt required to do something but may do so if he/she would like while mustnt expresses the idea of prohibition.In order to encourage students to favor the use of have to, spend the rest of the lesson focusing on daily responsibilities in the following exercises.Ask students to take out the list they created earlier and re-write the list using have to.Ask students to choose a job from the list provided (you might want to first check that students are familiar with the j obs listed) and think about what a person working in that profession has to do.Once you have given students a chance to think a while, play a variation on the 20 questions game. You can begin by choosing a profession and having students ask you 10 or 15 questions about what you have to do in this job. Questions can only be answered by yes, no or sometimes.The student who guesses the name of your profession should be the next to be asked the 15 questions. Another variation on this game is for students to play the game in pairs. Have to - Must Study the Use of Have to and Must in the Chart Below Must/Have To - Mustnt/Not Have To Listed below are examples and uses of must/have to/mustnt/not have to Example Chart Examples Usage We have to get up early.She had to work hard yesterday.They will have to arrive early.Does he have to go? Use 'have to' in the past, present, and future to express responsibility or necessity. NOTE: 'have to' is conjugated as a regular verb and therefore requires an auxiliary verb in the question form or negative. I must finish this work before I leave.Must you work so hard? Use 'must' to express something that you or a person feels is necessary. This form is used only in the present and future. You don't have to arrive before 8.They didn't have to work so hard. The negative form of 'have to' expresses the idea that something is not required. It is, however, possible if so desired. She mustn't use such horrible language.Tom. You mustn't play with fire. The negative form of 'must' expresses the idea that something is prohibited - this form is very different in meaning than the negative of 'have to'! Did the have to leave so early?He had to stay overnight in Dallas. IMPORTANT: The past form of 'have to' and 'must' is 'had to'. 'Must ' does not exist in the past. Choose a profession from the list below and think about what a person doing that job has to do every day. Professions and Jobs - What do they have to do? accountant actor air steward architect assistant author baker builder businessman / businesswoman / executive butcher chef civil servant clerk computer operator / programmer cook dentist doctor driver bus / taxi / train driver garbageman (refuse collector) electrician engineer farmer hairdresser journalist judge lawyer manager musician nurse photographer pilot plumber police officer politician receptionist sailor salesman / saleswoman /salesperson scientist secretary soldier teacher telephone operator Back to lessons resource page

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Plague or The Black Death Essay example - 1224 Words

The Plague, also known as The Black Death, was first recognized in the sixth century during the Byzantine Empire. It later arose during the Late Middle Ages and then again in small amounts in places like Seville and London in the mid-1600s. The plague is carried by fleas which attach to rodents. From a bite of a flea-bitten rodent, a human would now be infected with the disease. Even after all of these years of knowing what the Plague does, we do not have a definite cure. We only have ways to lessen the symptoms by the use of antibiotics and quarantine. The mortality rate is extremely high, about 80%. There are many different variations about the plague’s origins, symptoms, and precautions. I question whether it was the plague that indeed†¦show more content†¦Thucydides also noted that â€Å"Those who recovered were congratulated by the others, and in their immediate elation cherished the vain hope that for the future they would be immune to death from any other dis ease.† They believed since they conquered such a rough and deadly disease, they assumed they could fight off anything. Unlike Thucydides claim on plague symptoms, Procopius says â€Å"For there ensued with some a deep coma, with others a violent delirium, and in either case they suffered the characteristic symptoms of the disease. For those who were under the spell of the coma forgot all those who were familiar to them.† It seems that these two diseases may have been different. Thucydides account of what the plague does to you doesn’t mention comas or any sort of dementia. The coma and dementia may have simply been effects of the fever, but Thucydides does not mention. The plague didn’t only affect people directly by sickness. Around the world, word of the plague spread from culture to culture. The children’s poem Ring Around the Rosie, is said to be about the plague. It is thought to have originated in England during the plague of London. The li ne â€Å"Ring around the Rosie† is about the swelling on the infected people’s skin. The Rosie is supposed to have been the reddish color surrounding the swelling, or the rash. The second line â€Å"pocket full o’ posies†, correlates with the flowers which were often held to ward off the plague’s smell.Show MoreRelatedDeath by the Black Plague1017 Words   |  4 Pages The plague was the most devastating pandemic in human history, killing around 80-200 million people mostly throughout Europe, leaving most people back then wondering how they and others got sick and died. â€Å"Evidence available from rural continental Europe suggests a slow spread of human mortality across trade and travel routes, patterns consistent† (Carmichael 3), until after multiple inventions such as printing, word spread of this murderer, preventing more deaths and to treat those affected. ThisRead MoreBlack Death : The Black Plague1048 Words   |  5 Pagesbody: w ithout employment, is a disease- the rest of the soul is a Plague, a hell itself† (Smiles, Samuel). The Black Death, also known as the Bubonic Plague, came to existence in the Fourteenth Century. It was transferred from Asia in the late 1340s and caused a mass eruption in Europe. It was a very dark time period of history, which changed the way people viewed religion, fellow citizens, and life. In the 1300s, the century of the Plague, there were many poor conditions. One example was the home itselfRead MoreThe Black Death Plague795 Words   |  3 PagesThe Black Death is one of the worst disease in ancient history. It was an epidemic that killed millions of people between 1349-1351.Many people suffered from lack of care and lack of remedy, also it became difficult to find a medical person to diagnose such a horrible disease. Boccaccio, Tura and Venette describe the physical and social effect of Europe when the Plague had begun. In this selection, they describe how people respond and changed their behaviors .People were so scared from Plague thereforeRead MoreThe Plague Of The Black Death1798 Words   |  8 Pagesoutbreaks of the Black Death pandemic in the world. In the history the Black Plague is also called as the Black Death or Bubonic Plague. This research paper will mainly cover the European outbreak of the 14th century as it is considered to be the era of the worst time of the Black Death period. Many historians would agree that the events of 1300s led to dramatic changes affecting every European country in all the aspects. Creating economic, social, religious, and medical issues, the Black Death caused renovationRead MoreThe Plague Of The Black Death1484 Words   |  6 Pagestriggered not by humans, but by plagues. Plagues, defined as an epidemic with an amazingly high mortality rate according to the Merriam Webster dictionary, have been recorded throughout history, from the Plague of Justinian in Rome, to the Modern Plague of China (CDC). To the common man, all s/he sees is, the plague arrives, kills tens of millions of people, and then disappears into the night. In reality, the plague does not disappear quietly. The outbreak of a plague leaves a lasting legacyRead MoreBlack Death : The Black Plague768 Words   |  4 PagesThe Black Plague is known as the most fatal disease in the worlds history! The disease killed nearly one-third of Europe’s population in the fourteenth century. The Black Plague is also known as the Black Death and was transmitted to humans by rodents such as rats and spread due to extremely unsanitary living conditions. European cities such as Paris and London were most devastatingly affected by the Black Plague The Black Plague is transmitted from fleas to rodents such as rats or mice to humansRead MoreThe Black Death Of The Plague1638 Words   |  7 Pageshave crawled across the globe was called the Black Death. The first known case of The Plague was reported in China in 224 B.C. although this is not the period in time when it would become its most dangerous. It is believed that because China was such an important trade center at the time, diseased animals and their infected fleas were unknowingly transported along with goods via The Silk Road to Western Europe and Asia. Centuries later, the Black Plague would rear its head and swallow nearly halfRead MoreThe Plague Of The Black Death1797 Words   |  8 Pagesthe Black Death, the plague is one of the most disastrous events in Europe’s natural history. England underwent serious modifications concerning it politically, socially, and economically as a result of the contagion. The Black Death, a plague that devastated Medieval Engla nd from 1347 to 1351, tremendously modified the Middle Ages; the pandemic contains a complex history that drastically altered England’s economy and people’s religious views. To start off, the first wave of the Black Death beganRead MoreBlack Death And The Black Plague1234 Words   |  5 PagesThe Black Death, also known as the Black Plague, was one of the most deadliest diseases of all time. This disease came to Europe around 1347 C.E, by merchants from East Asia. The Black Plague then spread all across Europe, and killed over 25,000,000 people. The Black Death had its effect on many things. The peasant and noble differentiation was realized to be bogus, the belief in religious authorities came under question, and poor people actually benefited from the Black Death. After the epidemicRead MoreThe Plague Of The Black Death1035 Words   |  5 Pagesbegin with the most iconic epidemic, The Black Death. It will then discuss some of similar epidemics that have followed after and different treatments. This paper will show the progression of medicine and health around the world and the advancements in technology that have increased the lives of many individu als. The Black Death: The Black Death also known as the bubonic plague is considered a turning point in the development of medicine and science. This plague first occurred in China during the early

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Dr. Durand Philosophy By Reginald Moore Essay Example For Students

Dr. Durand Philosophy By Reginald Moore Essay Reflective Essay Prepared for Dr. DurandPhilosophy ByReginald Moore 213-94-2165Reflective EssayWhat makes up a good family? Does your family communicate well? These are the questions that many people in America ask. They battle with these questions everyday when they think about the way their family acts. I have also battle with these questions especially when it comes to my family. My family is one of uniqueness, which causes lots of conflicts. I battle an individualistic sister, a communitarian mother, and a civic republican brother. With all these different personalities in the house it is no wonder it seems like our house is a lifestyle enclave. Looking at my family is like looking at American homes today. It shows the effect of a society that is all about on the go activities. My sister would be in my own words a perfect example of an individualistic person. She like in the book Habits of the Heart only deals with issues that are important to her. My sister focuses on what can make her life better and if this involves some kind of communitarian activity only then will she participate. She mostly jumps from relationship to relationship because of her need for pleasure. It matters not to my sister what is going on with the world unless it affects her personally. A good example of this is when my sister and I volunteered at a local shelter for Thanksgiving. This is a ritual that I have keep since my grandfather past away. My sister went to the shelter this year in order to get some volunteer hours for her transcript because she wants to transfer to another college. At the shelter she saw first hand for the first time in her life people less fortunate then herself. This shook her up, and made her think about how lucky she is only then was my sister finally con cerned about the homeless problem in America. Even though, this sound likes a made for television movie they show each year, around the holidays it is true and shows how like my sister the individualistic community of America that we live in. In this way she is a perfect example of individualism in America. Moreover, my mother is on the other end of the spectrum. My mother in her own words Gives a piece of herself to everyone. She is a very good example of a communitarian. The first sample of her kindness starts with her occupation. My mother has been a junior high school teacher for 25 years. During this time many people have realized my mothers giving and kindness for her community. She is always willing to go above and beyond the call of duty to help make a difference in a students life. However, her occupation is just the start of her giving. She is also a community leader through her second career as a pastor. She has only been a preacher for 6 years however; she has been able to do a lot for her church and her community during this time. She is always bringing her work home. Like a good communitarian she does everything to help better the community. My mother has only three children but has thousands of adopted children. She loves all her children the same even the adopted ones. A good example of this is what occurred during my last trip home. I came home because of the illness of my grandmother. My mother has to sit up with my grandmother just in case she gets up and hurts herself in the middle of the night. This is a very trying time for my mother however she took a piece of her time to counsel one of her adopted daughters. This girl was on the verge of committing suicide. My mother helped her realize how important she is to the world. My mother gives of her time to help the better of the community without personal gain. This helps show she is a good example of a communitarian. However, my brother is different from all of us. He is what I call the good American boy. He also is a product of social groups the government made to help kids become aware of what the government is and how it runs. My brother is only 14 but tries to get involved in every political group he can get involved in. He believes without the government in our society our nation would not be as prosperous as we are. It is surprising at a young age how much involved he is in the thought of politics and government in America. He is a good example of a civic republican. More important, the mix of a civic republican individualistic person, and a communitarian is hard to understand. A lot of times the house feels like a place that these different personalities just stay under due to the fact they are related not unlike a lifestyle enclave. We share the similar lifestyle of being a family but dont associate with each other unless a family problem comes up. This shows how my family is a good example of a lifestyle enclave. However, my family seems to stay together and s urvive just like America will survive its individualistic stage of its history, and finally remember caring about community makes us stronger. Reflective Essay Reflective EssayWhat makes up a good family? Does your family communicate well? These are the questions that many people in America ask. They battle with these questions everyday when they think about the way their family acts. I have also battle with these questions especially when it comes to my family. My family is one of uniqueness, which causes lots of conflicts. I battle an individualistic sister, a communitarian mother, and a civic republican brother. With all these different personalities in the house it is no wonder it seems like our house is a lifestyle enclave. Looking at my family is like looking at American homes today. It shows the effect of a society that is all about on the go activities. .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c , .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c .postImageUrl , .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c , .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c:hover , .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c:visited , .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c:active { border:0!important; } .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c:active , .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u1b206ae1ca9dbaafd89e4f32f559dc7c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Diversity Essay Sample Graduate SchoolMy sister would be in my own words a perfect example of an individualistic person. She like in the book Habits of the Heart only deals with issues that are important to her. My sister focuses on what can make her life better and if this involves some kind of communitarian activity only then will she participate. She mostly jumps from relationship to relationship because of her need for pleasure. It matters not to my sister what is going on with the world unless it affects her personally. A good example of this is when my sister and I volunteered at a local shelter for Thanksgiving. This is a ritual that I have keep since my grandfather past away. My sister went to the shelter this year in order to get some volunteer hours for her transcript because she wants to transfer to another college. At the shelter she saw first hand for the first time in her life people less fortunate then herself. This shook her up, and made her think about how lucky she is only then was my sister finally concerned about the homeless problem in America. Even though, this sound likes a made for television movie they show each year, around the holidays it is true and shows how like my sister the individualistic community of America that we live in. In this way she is a perfect example of individualism in America. Philosophy Essays

Monday, December 2, 2019

Their benefits aside, human diets are polluting the environment and sending animals to extinction.

Introduction The fact that the environment and the entire ecosystem have been left unstable in the recent times is in no doubt. However what has continued to evoke many debates is whether humans have had a hand in this unfortunate situation, and if so, by what extent. Though many feel that humans have had a thing to do in this and could do much better in sustaining the environment, some feel that this is a natural occurrence and nature should be left to take its course.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Their benefits aside, human diets are polluting the environment and sending animals to extinction. specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This paper explores how man has affected the ecosystem, and specifically so through his diet, and what could be done to put the situation back on track. It is essential that human beings balance their diet. A normal human being is required to take 1,200 calories through the three major meals he/she has in a day .However, in trying to achieve this environment has been left compromised through the following ways. Excessive harvest of animals in search of various meats is leading to their extinction. Animals are the chief source of proteins and fats which human beings are in need of. Fats are very important in body heat regulation. On the other hand, proteins make the body tissues and up to 15-20% of the calories taken should be made up of proteins. Although this is the case, the animal community is being pushed to the extreme in trying to feed the ever growing population. This has been done through directly hunting down animals and robbing them of their habitats as people clear forests and bushes to create farms. Researchers have shown that some animal and fish species risk being swept off the face of the earth if strict measures are not put into place. This is largely due to their nutritional value. Tuna and sharks are some of the fish species that are facing extin ction due to the nutritional richness their soup contain. However, human exploitation has been so extensive that some species may never be recovered fully and if it does, could take ages. Allendorf and Hard (2012) observe that: Evolution brought about by human harvest might greatly increase the time required for over-harvested populations to recover once harvest is curtailed because harvesting often creates selection differentials, whereas curtailing harvest will often result in less intense selection in the opposing direction. (p. 1) The need for preventive measures being preferred to reinstating measures is therefore important. Looking for alternative protein sources like legumes and exercising controlled and selective animal and fish harvesting should be embraced. Should we fail to do this, we may wake up one day to find nothing to harvest at all.Advertising Looking for essay on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Lea rn More Use of excessive fertilizers and pesticides in order to boost production is leading to environmental pollution and ecosystem instability. In order to meet food requirements for humans, different mechanisms have been put in place to increase productivity. Among these mechanisms, use of intensive fertilizers has been majored. This is particularly so because the more the population, the more mouths that require feeding. This is made worse by the fact that cultivation land continues to be limited. On top of the production advantages, Food and Agricultural Organization of The United Nations (1972) has observed that: The intensive use of fertilizer can benefit the environment indirectly in that, by increasing considerably the yields of foodstuffs per hectare, it allows withdrawing from cultivation land of low quality, such as steep land, land with shallow soils and land very susceptible to erosion. (p. 2) However these fertilizers have been employed in excess leading to environm ental degradation .For starters, excess nitrates in the soil from fertilizers have been carried into rivers and lakes killing lots of organisms in water .Use of pesticides in farms has also interfered with pollination and caused a lot of poisoning in the air killing lots of birds and insects in the air. â€Å"A number of medical specialists have also expressed concern about the undesirable effects of high nitrate intake on human flesh† (Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations, 1972, p. 7) .It is therefore justifiable to say that although fertilizers and pesticides have been in handy in helping to boost human diet, they have also been poisonous and endangered the lives of many animals, fish, birds and even humans themselves. Food waste also plays a major part in polluting the environment. Most developed countries especially in the west are facing problems dealing with waste that result from food or the entire food that is not eaten but dumped in landfills. â€Å"O nce this food gets to the landfill, it then generates methane, a greenhouse gas 23 times as potent as carbon dioxide in trapping heat within our atmosphere† (Schiller, Cambridge M.A, 2010, p.1).Therefore this means that as humans try to satisfy themselves diet wise, they are polluting the environment in the process by not exhausting what they have in their plates.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Their benefits aside, human diets are polluting the environment and sending animals to extinction. specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Venkat (2012) notes that â€Å"the climate change impact of food as quantified by life-cycle GHG emissions is a more complete measure of environmental impact than embedded energy or barrels of oil.†(p.432).It should also be noted that most food thrown out as garbage has already been cooked and the cooking oil used is filtered into the soil rendering it infertile and unproductiv e. On top of these, emissions evoked by vehicles during the transportation of food waste to landfills also pollute the air. Proper measures should be put into place therefore to reduce the amount of food thrown as garbage. People should therefore make use of freezers to keep food fresher for longer instead of dumping it. People should also be encouraged to only shop food quantities that can be easily exhausted instead of buying large quantities only to end them as garbage. If this is not done, the environment will continue being held at the mercy of food waste. In conclusion, human diets are one of the main reasons behind environmental degradation. This is because of the processes involved in achieving them as well as the result of their achievement as noted above by the implications of food wastage. The key lies therefore in efforts to try to sustain population as its rise has had a lot of negative consequences as mechanisms continue to be drawn to make sure humans are fed with the perfect diet worldwide. References Allendorf, W.F., Hard, J.J. (2012) Human induced evolution caused by unnatural selection through harvest of wild animals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of  America.p1-13. Web. Cambridge, MA, Schiller, M. (2010). How food waste affects our environment. Modern Hippie  Magazine, 1-10 Web. Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations. (1972) .Effects of intensive fertilizer use on  human environment. Rome: Author. Venkat, K, (2012). The climate change and economic impacts of food waste in the United States. International Journal on Food System Dynami, 431-446. Retrieved from Looking for essay on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This essay on Their benefits aside, human diets are polluting the environment and sending animals to extinction. was written and submitted by user Archer I. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.